Statesman Examiner

Letters Policy

The Statesman- Examiner publishes letters to the editor of 400 words or less.

Libelous content, personal attacks, discrimination, and more than five thank yous in one letters are not allowed’

We ask readers to stick to broader societal issues or current events and not use this forum to register personal complaints against a business, neighbor, etc.

Chain letters with multiple signatures or sent to multiple

publications will not be printed.

Letters may not address stories published in other newspapers.

All letters will be edited for grammar, punctuation and brevity..

Only one letter per writer per month. Local writers will be given first priority.

Send letters to editor@ statesmanexaminer. com, or mail to Statesman- Examiner, P. O. Box 271, Colville, WA 99114. Please include phone number in case we have questions. Phone number will not be published.





Alberta Newspaper Group